A baby's hand holding an adult finger.


Abortion is no small matter. The killing of children in the womb is not a thing a Christian can take either side of, and it is not an issue whose solution lies somewhere in the middle. The article gives proof of the Christian perspective, responds to excuses, provides options for taking action, and has resources from introductory to scholarly.

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Image of a so-called trans-rights protest.

Gender Theory

Transgenderism has skyrocketted in popularity of late, and our schools are pushing it. If you are not up to date on what is happenning and how evil it is, this article is the one for you. I also explain why it is extremely important for churches to speak out loudly against transgenderism, rather than being conflict-averse.

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Image of protesters with signs warning about hell.


There are many different beliefs about salvation, but this is a dire situation! Most who call themselves Christian agree that faith saved, but once we are saved, are we always saved? Does true faith require works?

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Image of protesters with signs warning about hell.

Are Political Issues Important?

Political matters are relevant to us all in a number of ways, but a number of Christians believe that mostly abstaining from political conversation and 'staying neutral' are the right things to do. This is not the case, and I will explain why.

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Image of two men having a clearly gay snuggle.

Culturally-Accepted Sins

Why do we need to talk about them? Nonbelievers can be extremely aggressive and ruthless with their accusations against Christians for their views. It is commonplace for to be accused of doing 'violence' to people due to advocating for the truth, and to be causing suicides and encouraging murder via 'hate crimes'.

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Image of a man praying alone in a church.

Calivinism Is Inexcusable False Doctrine

The vast majority of churches do not make a point of rejecting Calvinism, but I am firmly convinced that this is a grave mistake. True, many who say they believe in one or another of the predestination doctrines may not intentionally be causing harm or lying, but nevertheless, the doctrines are blasphemous lies that naturally lead to bad fruit.

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